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Support and Guide Companies in Transition
We offer customized business consulting services, such as addressing human resource challenges, outplacement services, and professional development for your current workforce.

Let's be honest, there are tons of resources out there to help job seekers create a résumé. However, not all advice is good advice. Especially now that 90% of companies utilize Automated Tracking Systems, known as "ATS" to select the résumé that best matches the needs of the employer. Allowing a Certified Career Services Provider to develop a targeted résumé adequately formatted for the ATS would be to your benefit. If you need assistance with your résumé development, provide some details HERE, then schedule a consultation to learn how we can assist you.

New to Workforce
$75 - $125

$150 - $300

Who are you? Where are you going? How are you going to get there? These three questions should be easily answered BEFORE you begin a job search. If you struggle to answer questions about your skills, interests, and what makes you unique, it indicates that you would benefit from our help in assessing your uniqueness. Not knowing your niche will affect your ability to identify the best occupation/industry for you.
On average, we will work a minimum of 360,000 hours in their lifetime, therefore it is important to work in an industry that will bring fulfillment. Take charge of your work-life by planning your career succession. It is time to be intentional about your long-term goals to work in a career you enjoy. We can help. Book an appointment today!

Self Assessment

One-to-One Consulting
$150 Per Hour

Career Exploration

Group Coaching
$90 Per Session

Interviewing Skills

Career Coaching / Job Search Package
$700 - $1,200 (6 - 8 Coaching Sessions)
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